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Well, there is good news! The help and support you received during your Weekend can continue through Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) communities. There are Community Groups throughout Australia where you can get together with other couples that have found the WWME Weekend to be a crucial tool in keeping their marriage alive and vibrant.


A WWME Community (or Love circle) is a group of couples that have experienced a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and have found valuable tools to keep their marriage alive and vibrant. The purpose of the group is to provide ongoing support for their marriage relationship, family life and all other relationships around them. The group gathers regularly, usually on a monthly basis; a presentation is given followed by a 10/10 and a sharing. The sharing is optional; no one is required to share. Afterwards, a few bits of housekeeping are discussed and information regarding upcoming events are announced. The meeting generally ends with a prayer, socialising and refreshments.


Attending a community gathering is like being on an extended weekend – journeying with other couples who value marriage.

In addition to the regular meeting, some communities plan family activities such as Christmas parties, dinner dances and camping weekends. Our Communities are grouped into geographic areas for convenience. It is suggested that a couple attend a gathering that is nearest their home. However, you are welcome to be part of any group that you are most comfortable with, or meet on days most suited to your schedule.



In addition to monthly gatherings, most states conduct Formation Days on which all the community groups meet for a full day presentation by an experienced couple and/ or a priest.

Dialogue Questions

Quotation Marks
To receive the dialogue question of the day by email:  
  • Send an e-mail to that has the following in the body of the message:  subscribe dq John & Mary Dialoguer (Please use your own name in John & Mary's place)  
  • Wait for a response from the listserv. When the response comes, reply to the message and put "ok" as the message body.  
  • When listserv gets your reply, you will be added to the list and will get a confirmation message.
A thousand dialogue questions can also be downloaded from here.
DILD Describe in loving detail.
DYFILD Describe your feeling in loving detail.
HDIF How do I feel?
HDIFA How do I feel about ____?
HDIFAMA How do I feel about my answer?
HDIFAT How do I feel about that?
HDIFSTWY How do I feel sharing this with you?
WAMF What are my feelings?
WAMFA What are my feelings about _____?
WAMFAMA What are my feelings about my answer?

©2020 Worldwide Marriage Encounter - Australia.  All Rights reserved.

Created by F.L

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